Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

Symptoms of Dengue Fever vigilant

Symptoms of Dengue Fever vigilant,- The disease is the caused by a virus that is transmitted from one person to another through the bite of Aedes aegypti female pairs, but there are other species that can transmit this disease is the mosquito Aedes albopictus and Aedes plynesiensis, but cases are rarely found. Reviews These types of mosquitoes spread almost throughout Indonesia, except for a place that has a height of more than 1000 meters above sea level. Low immunity community and transmitting mosquito Populations is another factor affecting the emergence of this disease.

There are four types of dengue virus, the dengue type 1, dengue type 2, dengue type 3 and dengue type 4 In Indonesia, dengue virus type 3 is the most Dominating. The impact of dengue virus can cause disturbances in the capillary blood vessels and blood clotting system. This is the resulting in bleeding and even death in Patients with Dengue Fever.

The early symptoms of Dengue Fever is broad and is similar to a general viral infection, are like fever, headache, muscle aches, nausea, and even vomiting. Some Patients complain of painful swallowing and throat flushed visible (such as strep throat), but on rare DBD coughs and colds. However, there are some typical symptoms of Dengue Fever and need to be aware of items, namely:

1. sudden high fever 2 รข € "7 days. Sometimes fever is biphasic (like a saddle horse), the heat comes down on the 3rd or 4th but the next day rise again.

2. skin rash

3. Pain behind the eyes

4. The manifestations of bleeding, the which is Characterized by:

a. Ptekie the dark red spots on the skin when stretched skin color remains visible. This is typical spots on the skin because of a rash of dengue from other diseases or mosquito bites will not be visible if the skin is stretched.

b. Nosebleeds (epistaxis)

c. Vomiting blood (hematemesis)

d. CHAPTER bleed usually black (melena)

The critical period of dengue include fever days 3 to 7, where the temperature will go down but it does not mean the patient is cured. Therefore it is Necessary to Consider Whether there are danger signs that show symptoms of Dengue Fever (DHF) are severe, such as:

1. severe abdominal pain

2. vomiting continuously
3. Bleeding Gums
4. vomiting blood
5. Breath fast
6. Fatigue / agitated

When a severe dengue is suspected, the patient should be rushed to the nearest hospital emergency room, Because It will Potentially lead to:

1. Plasma leakage

2. severe bleeding, either visible or not

3. Impaired organ weight.

Although only occurred in a handful of cases, dengue can develop into a more serious complication, known as severe dengue. Severe dengue can cause the sufferer to experience a Decrease in blood pressure or shock, organ damage, and bleeding. Therefore, Patients with severe dengue should be Immediately taken to the hospital to get further treatment.

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